Solution-L at a glance!

Solution-L Ltd. is a value added distibutor and system integrator in the market segments of large and medium enterprises, the goverment sector and the hospitality industry. We adress the distribution of our product range via our dealer network throughout the mediterranean area as well as in direct projects for our clients including system integration by our qualified technicians.

Solution-L Ltd. is based in Malta but also active in Germany, Italy, Greece and northern Africa

The product and service offer contains 2 sectors:

Distribution of professional IT components

  • exclusive distributor in Malta for “Lancom Systems” Germany (routers, switches, firewalls, Wifi access – points, cloud management, VPN-routers …)
  • exclusive distributor in Malta for “Fluxport” Germany (professional and consumer Qi charging systems)
  • exclusive distributor in Malta for Fenotek Hi) France (4G video intercoms)
  • wholesale to our reseller network (mostly IT companies)


Intergration and installation of  IT-systems

  • integration of of IT infrastuctures for B2B clients like telecommunication carriers and hospitality companies (eg. puplic WiFi Systems or VPN Equipment)